Tuesday, March 3, 2009

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The Hidden Hatch has moved!!!

Come see us at our new home: http://thehiddenhatch.wordpress.com!

Erik's Theories: S5E7 "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"

After some more thought, it's time to take a stab at some of my questions from earlier this week. Here goes...

Was Widmore telling the truth after all?
I think he is. Either Ben are Widmore, as always, is the one who is lying. I really do think Widmore is a good guy, he just has to be stern sometimes to make things happen how he has to.

How was Locke resurrected?
Island magic. *shrug* I don't think there will be any kind of "scientific" answer to that one. And if someone asks Locke "how??" next episode, obviously he'll just continue to say he doesn't know. Maybe Richard or Jacob will reveal the answer?

Are the Ajira-ies in a different time from the Return-ies?
Yes, I'm pretty sure of it... at least Jack Kate and Hurley are. We haven't seen Sayid, Lapidus or Sun yet, but the account of "the pilot" running off with "that woman" during the night seems to indicate Sun and Frank are with Ajira. Thoguh it could be a red herring, and the pilot they talk about is the co-pilot, Frank and Sun having "blinked" off the plane with the others. I think we will find out this week.

Are Sayid and Sun part of the Ajira-ies?
Kind of addressed in the last question... I think if they are, Sayid ran off immediately after arriving on the island, then Sun and Frank took off later on. Sayid would have been under Ilana's watch otherwise right?

Why is Ben such an evil jackass?
Because he just wouldn't be Ben if he wasn't. He's sure gonna get an earful from Locke when he wakes up, I know it!

Will we ever visit 1954 again? (ok that one isn't really posed by this episode... but still, I want to know!)
*crosses fingers* Pretty sure we will, sooner than later I hope!

That's all I've got, until next post...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Erik's Intial Thoughts: S5E7 'The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham'

Wow, another fantastic episode. Unfortunately I didn't get to enjoy it as fully as I would have liked on my first pass since I had to be here at work tonight... but I managed to catch most of the episode amidst having to vacate my nook to 'work.'

Here's the rundown of what I thought were the most important bits:

  • John ended up in the same place that Ben did when he turned the wheel
  • This time cameras were posted
  • Widmore was waiting for Locke to get tricked into leaving
  • As he was by Ben many years ago, exiled.
  • Widmore convinces Locke that he's the good guy
  • After the wonderment of Locke appearing exactly the same as 50 years before
  • Gives him money, a new identity, a wheelchair and a driver
  • Matthew Abaddon who's job it is 'to get people where they need to be'
  • Locke sets off to find the O6

  • Sayid is building houses in the Dominican Republic
  • Locke tells Abaddon he wants to find Helen
  • Walt isn't recruited because "He's been through enough"
  • But Walt has been having dreams about Locke in a suit on the island
  • Hurley assumes Locke is dead when he sees him
  • Freaks out when he finds out he's alive and actually there
  • Also freaks out about Abaddon because he is "EVIL!"
  • Kate refuses, asks Locke about love
  • "I was angry, obsessed" "Look how far you've come"
  • Drives Locke further to find Helen, Abaddon caves
  • Helen died of a brain aneurism
  • Abaddon is shot at the cemetery; Locke escapes but gets in a wreck
  • Which brings him into the hospital bed of Jack
  • "Your father says hello"

  • Locke writes his letter to Jack
  • Prepares to kill himself
  • Last second a knocking at the door
  • In comes Ben to save the day
  • Talks Locke out of it
  • And kills him as soon as he gets Eloise Hawkings' name
  • Windex can clean ANYthing

  • On the island...
  • Ceaser explores an apparent Dharma building
  • Illana comes in saying they found a man in the water wearing a suit
  • It's John Locke, alive
  • "You asked me what I remember. I remember dying."
  • There was a flash of light and some people on the plane simply disappeared
  • Otherwise everyone is accounted for, including the injured...
  • Including Ben
  • "He's the man who killed me."

A ton of answers, some I didn't even mention here because I wasn't able to hear a whole lot of what I knew was important dialogue. For example, when Widmore was explaining the whole Island situation. Now that we've seen this episode, I think it would have been far worse to have this and '316' in reverse order, it would have been way more confusing. And so, new questions I have...

  • Was Widmore telling the truth after all?
  • How was Locke resurrected?
  • Are the Ajira-ies in a different time from the Return-ies?
  • Are Sayid and Sun part of the Ajira-ies?
  • Why is Ben such an evil jackass?
  • Will we ever visit 1954 again? (ok that one isn't really posed by this episode... but still, I want to know!)

A couple of those aren't really mythology questions; I didn't think this episode really posed many new questions but instead answered a whole lot of them. They wrapped up Abaddon's story in a fairly nice little package, and assuming he's telling the truth, revealed a whole mess of information about Widmore. I also have a couple of other questions but those are just from not being able to pay attention the entire episode.

The only real storytelling technique I took note of this week was the strong references to past episodes throughout the entire hour. Too many to list them all, but the main instance off the top of my head is the structure similarity to Season 4's Meet Kevin Johnson. Another episode with many similarities is The Shape of Things to Come which detailed Ben's happenings off-island after the events of him turning the wheel. I also thought it was really clever that as soon as Locke left the island, he got right back into a wheel chair.

I'll write a new post if I come up with anything I didn't catch due to the whole being at work thing...

That's all I've got, until next post...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Pass Me The Lighter...

It almost feels like Lost fans should be smoking a cigarette. The age-old gag of smoking a cigarette after sex is so appropriate to this season of Lost. We've been given so much meat of the show. They've explained some of the mythologies of the show, while at the same time, leaving us questioning and wanting more. Think about it...it's only episode 6 (as of this posting) and we're given 17 for this season. What more could they possibly be giving us for 11 more episodes!?

If you've just stumbled upon this blog, and you haven't a clue about Lost...or maybe you watched this past episode and have no clue about Lost...check out ABC.com. They are showing every epsiode all the way back to "Pilot." Get caught up, and join in the discussion!

Finally, I wanted to thank Erik for really giving us some great content on here to think about. :)

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Don't be alarmed, folks...I'm tinkering with a new design. Hopefully, it will be back and better soon. :)

Lost - The Complete Third Season (Blu-ray) Review

I recently bought Lost - The Complete Third Season on Blu-ray, and let me tell you... it is WELL worth the money! The stunning 1080p transfer was so impressive. You see every blade of grass, very pore on faces, and every stubbly hair in Jack's beard.

Here's a complete breakdown on Lostpedia of the contents.

The Blu-ray exclusive features include "Access: Granted," a question-answering session with Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse. Also, it includes a tour of the sets called "Blu-Prints." Both are great features to have.

I highly recommend making the jump to Blu-ray, if you own a player. It's a little more pricy, but well worth it. :)

Erik's Theories: S5E6 '316'

In my previous post, I posed several questions that came to my mind upon the first viewing of this episode. After more thought and some discussion with others, here is what I think is going on with things...

What happened to Aaron?
I really DON'T think that Kate gave Aaron to Claire's mother, but at this point it seems the most reasonable explanation. It might have shaken Kate up not only to have to give up Aaron, but also to explain everything to Carole (admitting that they lied). Otherwise, someone must have taken him... Abbadon? Widmore's people? Ben's people? I do think there is a reason for all of the children being off island (Ji Yeon, Aaron, Walt) and that we will find out why sometime soon.

What was Ben doing that got him all roughed up?
I'm almost 100% convinced that Ben either killed Penny or attempted to kill her. His call being placed from the Pier is a big indicator (who else would have been at the pier?)

Why did Sayid and Hurley decide to get on the flight?
I'm thinking Sayid was in fact arrested by that woman (hard to read what's going on there since neither of them have any lines in this episode). As for Hurley, I think he had more visitors from beyond who talked him into it. Also he had to get out of jail somehow so Ben's lawyer was probably succesful. Perhaps Sayid turned himself in and got Hurley off the hook? But then the question is, why would Sayid be sent on a flight to Guam?

Who is the woman Sayid is with?
The US Marshal escorting him because he's arrested... or someone working for Ben under the guise of a US Marshal?

Did anyone else besides Kate, Jack and Hurley survive the (crash?)?
Yes, but they possibly landed back on the island in post-2005 (as in actually landed the plane). Otherwise, I'm really wondering how that Ajira Air bottle got there (in the future). I'm still convinced they landed at the landing strip on the Hydra island and rowed over to the main island in those boats. That being said... I think Sayid, Sun, Ben, Sayids-lady, and New Guy are in the 'present' on the island while Jack, Kate and Hurley were snatched out of the plane and taken back to the 70's where they are now.

Did the plane crash, or what's the deal with that?
Like in the above theory, I think the plane landed on the Hydra island. I'm guessing that Ben when Ben got up to go to the front of the plane, he wasn't going to the bathroom (as many have suggested) but going to speak to Lapidus about where and how to land. Also, remember when someone asked Lapidus where he crashed the chopper, he replies "What are you talking about? I set her down right over there" I think the same applies here, we expect that the airplane has crashed, but really Frank just set her down right over there on the Hydra island.

Has the island stopped flashing?
I think so, for now. I think in the 70's era we're in now, the Orchid is yet to be completed but the well also doesn't exist, so there is no way to access the Donkey Wheel for the "flashies" to attempt getting back to the present. Further evidence is that they must have been in the Dharma time period for a substantial amount of time if Jin has been able to obtain a job with them by now.

Also, not related to any of the questions, but many people have been jumping all over when Ben says "My mother taught me." I think he was just being a smart-ass, nothing else to it.

That's all I've got, until next post...